Hp The Driver Detected A Controller Error On Device Harddisk0 Dr0
Hi Elvandil thanks for replying ) yes it is a new drive.have a backup Just made a clean install, this time with intel_msm_8.9.4.1004-full() drivers (the 64bit loaded under the installation) install INF Update Utility Ver:9. 4200 Hp Driver Windows 7. The 7 Minute Rotator Cuff Solution Pdf Printer. 1.1.1025 then msm_8.9.4.1004 and it working fine. Install a couple of games and its runing nice ( 264Mb/s read in crystaldiskmark2.2) then. I plug in my netkable and As soon as i setup my network, Windows 7 prompt me to select the type of location.

Manual Biocontrol Agents Pdf Printer on this page. Once i select Home Network, (Windows 7 will start applying the necessary settings for my new network) i register windows 7 no problem but after ca 10 min the errors is back.. The driver detected a controller error on Device HardDisk0 DR0. And i msm im back to generation 1. Still same drivers under my controller ( and now 84 Mb/s read in crystaldiskmark2.2) any idea what windows are doing? Thanks in advance.
Sounds like your drive controller or drive itself is having trouble. You better double check your backups. If it's a hard disk, try running a drive diagnostic tool from the manufacturer or run one of the drive utilities from the Ultimate Boot CD (google for it) to see if the drive itself is throwing any errors. Genealogist Co Uk Free Sub Activate Php.