Rest Download File Php Example Function

The Drive API allows you to download files that are stored in Google Drive. Also, you can download exported versions of Google Documents (Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, etc. Epson Install Program. ) in formats that your app can handle. Drive also supports providing users direct access to a file via the URL in the webViewLink property. Depending on the type of download you'd like to perform — a file, a Google Document, or a content link — you'll use one of the following URLs: • Download a file — with alt=media • Download and export a Google Doc — • Link a user to a file — webContentLink from the The rest of this page provides detailed instructions for performing these types of downloads: Downloading a file Using alt=media To download files, you make an authorized HTTP GET request to the file's and include the query parameter alt=media.

For example: GET Authorization: Bearer Downloading the file requires the user to have at least read access. Additionally, your app must be authorized with a that allows reading of file content. For example, an app using the drive.readonly.metadata scope would not be authorized to download the file contents. Users with edit permission may restrict downloading by read-only users by setting the viewersCanCopyContent field to true. Files identified as (malware, etc.) are only downloadable by the owner. Additionally, the query parameter acknowledgeAbuse=true must be included to indicate that the user has acknowledged the risk of downloading potential malware.

Calling a REST server with Command Line cURL (login, create comment, logout) Do user login with curl and the services 3.x module in Drupal 7 Example REST server for node.create with session authentication (JSON & PHP cURL). IF you download any source codes from our AJAX Tutorial, React Tutorial, AngularJS Tutorial or Angular 2 Tutorial, this PHP REST API source code is free and included in their respective packages. BUT if you need to download this PHP REST API source code only, you can do it using the green download button below.

Your application should interactively warn the user before using this query parameter. Examples Here are examples of performing a file download with our Drive API client libraries.

I have same problem with you, I am using this code, and it works, return a pdf file from webservice. $api = new RestClient(array( 'base_url' =>'headers' =>array( 'X-Token' =>$res->headers->x_token, 'Accept' =>'application/pdf', ), )); $result = $api->execute('reports/report','GET', $params); $filename = 'Report. Hp Touchpad Android 4.4 Installieren. pdf'; header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename='. ''); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); echo $result->response; References. Smart Label Printer 440 Drivers here. Healthpointe 2 0 Programa.

Php File Function