Repair Manual 2hp Johnson Seahorse

Johnson Seahorse 7.5 Manual Mar 19, 2015. I recently inherited a 1957 Johnson seahorse 7.5 outboard. I have the original manual that came with the motor.
Evinrude Johnson Repair Manual Keyword Tags.
The Johnson-Evinrude Workshop manual downloads for the above listed models describes the service procedures for the complete vehicle. Follow the Maintenance Schedule recommendations to ensure that the outboard is in peak operating condition. Performing the scheduled maintenance is very important.
Economics By Michael Parkin Pdf Printer there. It compensates for the initial wear that occurs during the life of the outboard motor. All chapters in the Workshop Manual apply to the whole vehicle and illustrates procedures for removal/installation of components that are in detailed step-by-step fashion. Most all Workshop manual chapters start with an assembly or system illustration, diagrams, exploded parts view, pictures, service information and troubleshooting for the section.
The subsequent pages give detailed procedures. PROBLEM 1: ENGINE TURNS OVER BUT WILL NOT START OR STARTS HARD WHEN COLD Possible Cause Corrective Action Improper starting procedure. Check procedure, as outlined in “Operation and Maintenance Manual.” Fuel tank empty; improperly mixed fuel; contaminants (water, dirt, etc.) in fuel. Check fuel in fuel tank and replace or add. Fuel tank air vent closed or restricted. Air vent must be open and free from contaminants.
A pinched or restricted fuel line. Check, and replace as needed. Dirty or restricted fuel filter. Check, replace or clean. Enrichener valve not operating. Check enrichener system.
(Refer to “Enrichener System” following.) An inlet needle (in carburetor) that is stuck open or closed. (A needle stuck open, will cause a flooding condition. A needle stuck closed, will prevent fuel from entering carburetor.) Remove, clean, or replace. Anti-Siphon valve restricting fuel flow.
Refer to “Checking for Restricted Fuel Flow caused by Anti-Siphon Valves”, following. See “Checking for Restricted Fuel Flow caused by Anti-Siphon Valves”, page 3A-1. PROBLEM: ENGINE FLOODS Possible Cause Corrective Action Dirt or foreign particles are preventing inlet needle from seating. Flush out inlet seat and clean inlet needle. Worn inlet needle.
Punctured float. Incorrect float setting. PROBLEM: ENGINE RUNS TOO LEAN Possible Cause Corrective Action Carburetor is loose. Air leaks past mixing chamber cover. Tighten bolts securely. Tighten cover or replace gasket. Fuel level too low.
Reset float level. Clogged high speed jet. Check and clean. Restricted fuel flow to carburetor. Check fuel lines and filter(s) for restricted flow.
Incorrect high speed jet. Refer to main jet chart and replace with proper jet. Idle mixture set too lean. Adjust to run richener. Air leakage into fuel system. Check fuel line connections, hose clamps, fuel pump, and fuel outlet tube (located in fuel tank) for loose fittings. Anti-Siphon valve restricting fuel flow.
Refer to “Checking for restricted fuel flow caused by Anti-Siphon valves.” PROBLEM: ENGINE RUNS TOO RICH Possible Cause Corrective Action Fuel level too high. Reset float to correct level. Carburetor floods. See preceding “Engine Floods” Idle nozzle air holes plugged. Blow out with compressed air.
Restricted air flow. Check cowl air inlet and carburetor for obstructions. Main Fuel Jet loose. Retighten Jet. PROBLEM 1: ENGINE IDLES ROUGH AND STALLS PROBLEM 2: ENGINE RUNS UNEVEN OR SURGES PROBLEM 3: ENGINE WILL NOT ACCELERATE Possible Cause Corrective Action Fuel tank air vent closed or restricted. Check - Air vent must be open all-the-way and free from restrictions. A pinched, cut or restricted fuel line; also loose fuel line connection.
Check all fuel lines and replace as needed. Check and tighten all fuel line connections. A dirty or restricted fuel filter. Check, replace, or clean all fuel filters. Restricted filter in fuel tank. Clean by rinsing in clean lead-free gasoline or kerosene. Improperly mixed fuel; contaminants (water, dirt, etc.) in fuel.
Check fuel and replace, if necessary. An inlet needle (in carburetor) that is either stuck open or closed.
Hp Psc 2355 All In One Drivers Vista. (A needle, that is stuck open, will cause a flooding condition. A needle, that is stuck closed, will prevent fuel from entering carburetor.) Remove and replace with new inlet needle.
Incorrect idle mixture adjustment. Damaged fuel pump diaphragm. Carburetor is loose. Tighten bolts securely. Chamber cover leaking air. Tighten or replace gasket.
Off idle holes plugged. Blow out with compressed air. Main nozzle or idle nozzle air bleed holes plugged. Blow out with compressed air. Improper main jet or restricted jet. Clean or replace with proper jet (refer to “Main Jet Chart”).