Phpx Activate User No Input File Specified

Phpx Activate User No Input File Specified

Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. NGINX and php-cgi on Windows “No Input File Specified”.

Solution 1: Save this one line of text as file invisible.vbs: CreateObject('Wscript.Shell').Run '' & WScript.Arguments(0) & '', 0, False To run any program or batch file invisibly, use it like this: wscript.exe 'C: Wherever invisible.vbs' 'C: Some Other Place MyBatchFile.bat' To also be able to pass-on/relay a list of arguments use only two double quotes CreateObject('Wscript.Shell').Run ' & WScript.Arguments(0) & ', 0, False Example: Invisible.vbs 'Kill.vbs ME.exe' Solution 2: Use a command line tool to silently launch a process:,. Run the script via an at job without making it interactive: at 11:00 script.bat Another solution, if you don't mind installing something like Python, you could simply create a script and run it with pythonw (the linked version for GUI operations).

Since you aren't using any graphical APIs, the window will not show. Simply use calls to os.system() and it will mimic a batch script, as it is the same as typing the strings into the command line.

Example: import os os.system('tasklist >C: tasks. Hp Touchpad Android 4.4 Installieren. txt') os.system('ipconfig /all >C: netinfo.log'). The excellent will convert your.bat or.cmd file to an. Brilliant Traces Cindy Lou Johnson Pdf Printer. exe file. It has a simple UI. You can choose not to have a console window by selecting the “Invisible application” option. Also, it allows you to assign an icon, package associated files, and several other options.

Here’s a screenshot of the main interface window: Note that this image is out of date. It shows version 2.4. Hp Laserjet 3050 Drivers For Windows 7 64 Bit. 8, and, as of September 2018, the website offers version (last updated 2018-03-23). Warning: the website links to, which is.