Phpmydirectory Rapidshare

Phpmydirectory Rapidshare Downloads

Joomla.Bamboo.Slider.Full The October release from Joomla Bamboo is an inspired take on a mootools driven Joomla Business Card. The Slider, err, slides up to 9 module positions into the main viewing area without loading a new page. So if your site is more like a brochure or a business card this is a perfect way to reduce visitor bounces by providing fast access to the nuts and bolts of your business. For those who like to Slide! The slider template is a unique way to display a site that is low on content but needs a high impact.

We call it a sliding mootools joomla business card or slider for short! Features: * 15 Colour schemes * 9 Sliding Tabs * 'Fancy' Mootools Menu * Mootips ready with 3 floating areas. * Slimbox Slideshow * IE6 PNG Transparency fix built in. Download Epson L210 Scanner Software.

Jul 17, 2014  Phpmydirectory 1.4. Resetter Epson R230 Rar. 3 is an adaptable script that can be used to build and manage a professional looking site, like a web directory or something. Pioneered by RapidShare, file sharing services are major players in the business of find-and-get-anything-and-everything. Even though the services’ original purpose was to facilitate web users to share files legally to people they know (or so they said), RapidShare and other similar services have evolved into must-visit “tourist attractions” for file hunters.

* PNG and PSD source files included * XHTML and CSS valid Browser compatibility: We have tested this template extensively in IE6, IE7, FF 2.0 (mac and pc), Safari 3.0 (mac and pc), Opera, Camino. Joomla Compatibility: Joomla 1.0 Compatible Joomla 1.5 (In legacy mode) DL. 9 premium joomla templates + bonus! Looking for a professional and news magazine portal style for Joomla? You don’t need to look any further than Sportmaxum. This template has been created specifically for professional looking news sites.

Sportmaxum comes with 3 dark styles and 4 NEW News Modules (with framewrok Mootools): News Show 1.0, Featured Content Slider 3.0, News Column 1.0, News Slider 1. Driver Printer Cannon Ip2770 there. 0. This new design includes 16 module positions, 4 module variations for each color style is valid XHTML and CSS. Modules, sources docs included!

DL: Essence of Blog 2.0 Essence of Blog 2.0, a fresh and friendly looking 'web 2.0' styled 1/2/3 colums template. The Dumbest Generation Mark Bauerlein Pdf Printer there. The template comes with a cool mootools framework powered sliding area. Beside an enriched typography, the template is featured with beautiful buttons and module styles DL: A new theme has been released at Gavick, the Business Revolution Joomla!

Theme for June 2007. The new Business Revolution template includes a new Experimental Control Panel using the Mootools framework. This accessibility control panel for the users that gives them the flexibility to change the appearance of the template to suit their preferences. This new design includes 15 module positions, 8 module variations for each color style is valid XHTML and CSS, and also includes the Image Slider Module wchich use cool mootools framework to display your images in Joomla!

Website DL: Inspiration - new clean and professional September template. Template presents a unique design, the fully transparent body and freshness of this template complement the beauty of its web2.0 design and 2D graphic style concept. Gavick ImageSlider module impressively presents your highlight information in a Web 2.0 style. Inspiration is a tableless design and 100% css based template and is designed with a clean and fresh color combination suitable for personal sites, hobby sites, and business sites, etc. This new design includes 16 module positions, typography is valid XHTML and CSS.