Annotated C Reference Manual Stroustrup Pdf Printer
Description • Copyright 1990 • Dimensions: 6-1/4' x 9-1/4' • Pages: 480 • Edition: 1st • Book • ISBN-10: 0-201-51459-1 • ISBN-13: 978-0-201-51459-9 This book provides a complete reference for the C++ programming language. It consists of the C++ reference manual, approved as the base document for ANSI standardization of the language, plus annotations and commentary. The annotations and commentary discuss what is not included in the language, why certain features are defined as they are, and how one might implement particular features.
Title: The C++ Programming Language - Reference Manual Author: Bjarne Stroustrup Subject: C++ Release E, AT&T Bell Laboratories, November 1984 Created Date.
The commentaries also help the reader to understand the relationships between parts of the language. Comparisons with C and examples explain the more subtle points of the language. Sixteen chapters cover the latest version of C++ including multiple inheritance, abstract classes, templates, exception handling, and more. A final chapter describes resolutions by the ANSI/ISO committee including new features such as run-time type information and namespaces. Appendices summarize the grammar and evolution of the language, and explain in detail the differences between C and C++. The Annotated C++ Reference Manual will appeal to language implementors and expert C++ programmers. Sample Content Table of Contents Preface.
Syntax Notation. Evolution of C++. Lexical Conventions. Implementation Dependencies. Basic Concepts. Declarations and Definitions. Program and Linkage.
Start and Termination. Storage Classes. Numerical Limits. Standard Conversions. Cultural Intelligence Living Working Globally Pdf Printer. Integral Promotions. Integral Conversions.
Float and Double. Floating and Integral. Arithmetic Conversions. Pointer Conversions. Reference Conversions. Pointers to Members.

Arithmetic Conversions. Primary Expressions. Postfix Expressions. Unary Operators. Explicit Type Conversion.
Pointer-to-Member Operators. Multiplicative Operators.
Additive Operators. Shift Operators. Relational Operators. Equality Operators.
Bitwise AND Operator. Bitwise Exclusive OR Operator. Bitwise Inclusive OR Operator. Logical AND Operator.
Logical OR Operator. Conditional Operator. Assignment Operators. Comma Operator.
Constant Expressions. Labeled Statement. Expression Statement. Compound Statement, or Block. Selection Statements. Iteration Statements.
Jump Statements. Declaration Statement. Ambiguity Resolution. Enumeration Declarations. Asm Declarations.
Linkage Specifications. Linkage Specifications.
Type-safe Linkage. Type Names Meaning of Declarators. Function Definitions. Pointers to Members. Class Members.
Member Functions. Static Members. Nested Class Declarations.
Local Class Declarations. Hp System Recovery Dvd Windows 7 Recovery Media For Windows 7 Se. Local Type Names. Derived Classes.
Multiple Base Classes. Virtual Functions. Abstract Classes.
Summary of Scope Rules. Single Inheritance. Multiple Inheritance. Multiple Inheritance and Casting.
Multiple Inheritance and Implicit Conversion. Virtual Base Classes. Virtual Base Classes and Casting. Single Inheritance and Virtual Functions. Multiple Inheritance and Virtual Functions.
Instantiation of Virtual Functions. Virtual Base Classes with Virtual Functions. Member Access Control.
Access Specifiers. Access Specifiers for Base Classes. Access Declarations. Protected Member Access.